General Information
Title of the Project: Deeds Not Words!
- Idea of Progress
- Places and Spaces of Power
- Sport and Women (European Section)
- Idea of Progress
- Places and Spaces of Power
- Sport and Women (European Section)
Learning areas: History and sociology
Issue: How did the bicycle become a symbol of women's emancipation ?
- To become knowledgeable about the Suffragette movements in Great Britain and the USA.
- To become knowledgeable about 19th and 20th century social change.
- To become aware of the evolution of women's social status.
- To read and understand complex documents about the topic.
- To be able to use different documents to create a more personal production.
- To learn and use vocabulary in connection with suffrage, laws, women's rights, emancipation, biking, clothing, etc.
- To be able to use multimedia software to create a sophisticated audio document or a video.
- To be able to present personal work to an audience.
Tasks, Process and Evaluation
The final outcome of this project consists in creating a complex audio file or video inspired from the topic and the documents studied in class.
Over the next weeks, it will be your job to do Internet research and use some information to create an audio file or a video dealing with one or several aspects of the topic : an interview, a radio show, a report, a song, a sketch (short comic scene), a trailer, etc.
Visit the following sites in order to learn more about the bicycle and the women’s movements :
You may also use any other sites that you find useful.
Select one aspect of the topic that you like best and start preparing your final task.
1. Your work will be centered around a portfolio that you will create in conjunction with the research you do.
2. Your group portfolio must be a digital file that will be published on this blog. It will have to include several documents:
A. Individual task:
Each student (in a team of three) is assigned a specific task that will be evaluated.
STUDENT 1: as the linguist of your team, you will provide a Word file containing:
STUDENT 2: as the historian of your team you will have to provide a Word file containing:
STUDENT 3: as the teacher of your team, you will have to provide a Word file containing:
2. Your group portfolio must be a digital file that will be published on this blog. It will have to include several documents:
A. Individual task:
Each student (in a team of three) is assigned a specific task that will be evaluated.
STUDENT 1: as the linguist of your team, you will provide a Word file containing:
- a dictionary of difficult or specific words used in your creation or during your oral presentation. 25 specific words minimum.
- + a phonetic transcription of these words.
- + any necessary iconographic documents.
STUDENT 2: as the historian of your team you will have to provide a Word file containing:
- A written report of your findings about your specific topic. 150 words
- + a detailed sitography.
- + any necessary iconographic documents.
STUDENT 3: as the teacher of your team, you will have to provide a Word file containing:
- A quiz of 12 questions in connection with your topic and the oral presentation you will give together with your partners.
- This quiz will be given to your classmates before you oral presentation and they will have to answer the questions during your presentation. (True or False? / Multiple choice / Tick the right answer / Complete the sentences / etc.)
B. Group work.
In addition to the individual tasks, the teams must provide the following document:
In addition to the individual tasks, the teams must provide the following document:
- A Word file containing the script of your audio file or video.
Task 1
This time, your work will be centred around the making of a sophisticated audio file or a video. To achieve this task, you will need to:
- Check the pronunciation and the stress of all the specific or difficult words you will use,
- Rehearse your performance with your classmates,
- Record your document or shoot your film,
- Edit it and add some sound effects and music.
Task 2
'Pitch' your idea to the class and convince them that your document is the best one.
You will have to report on your work, report on your findings and account for your choices. Your classmates will answer the questions of your quiz.
In addition to tasks 1 and 2 (Step Three), your portfolio will be evaluated.
You will be given different evaluation grids.
Good Luck and work hard!
GROUPS and Subjects
Group 1 : Camille, Emma, Noémie -- To what extend did biking change female dress codes ?
Group 2 : Théo, Esteban and Jules -- What is the place of women in biking today?
Group 3 : Coline E, Maud, Léa -- To what extend did biking help women to emancipate?
Group 4: Tatiana, Mélina et Fanny : To what extend did bicycles change woemn's everyday life?
Group 5: Emma, Chloé et Laurie : The Suffragettes, Biking and Art.
Group 6: Axel, Joseph and Clarence : early professional female bikers
Group 7:Coline, Anne et Lola :